68 research outputs found


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    Kreditni rejting neke zemlje je značajan pokazatelj razvijenosti i kao takav ima značajnu ulogu za tu zemlju. Nositelji ekonomske politike nastoje ostvariti Å”to bolji kreditni rejting, a da bi to ostvarili potrebno je utvrditi koje su determinante koje značajno djeluju na kreditni rejting. Determinante koje značajno utječu na kreditni rejting nisu iste za svaku zemlju. U ovom radu najprije se teorijski, a zatim i empirijski utvrđuje značaj pojedinih determinati za kreditni rejting razvijenih i zemalja u razvoju. Cilj teorijskog dijela rada je utvrđivanje značaja kreditnih agencija za financijsko tržiÅ”te te analiziranje ranijih istraživanja u cilju boljeg interpretiranja rezultata dobivenih empirijskim istraživanjem. Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja je dokazivanje jesu li determinante, navedene u dvjema hipotezama, ključne za određenu skupinu zemalja. Determinate koje su navedene kao ključne, u empirijskom dijelu rada su se pokazale statistički značajnima za modele u kojima se pojavljuju. Kao najznačajnije determinante za kreditni rejting razvijenih zemalja se javljaju: BDP per capita, saldo tekućeg računa, javni dug te nezaposlenost. Kod zemalja u razvoju to su: BDP per capita, proračunski deficit, inflacija te rast realnog BDP-a. Dakle, nisu se kao ključne pokazale sve determinante koje su na temelju ranijih istraživanja detektirane kao takve. Zbog toga treba biti oprezan prilikom donoÅ”enja odluka, kojima se nastoji poboljÅ”ati kreditni rejting zemlje.Credit rating of some country is a significant indicator of development and has a significant role for each country. Economic policy leaders seek to achieve a better credit rating, and in order to achieve this, it is necessary to determine which determinants are significant for credit rating. Determinants that have a significant impact on credit rating are not the same for each country. In this work, theoretically, and then empirically, is determined the importance of certain determinants for credit rating of developed and developing countries. The aim of the theoretical part is to determine the importance of credit agencies for the financial market and to analyze earlier research in order to better interpret the results obtained by empirical research. The main purpose of this research is to prove are determinants listed in two hypotheses crucial for a particular group of countries. The determinants that are crucial, in the empirical part of the work, have been statistically significant for the models they appear in. The most important determinants for the credit rating of developed countries are: GDP per capita, current account balance, public debt and unemployment. In developing countries, they are: GDP per capita, budget deficit, inflation and real GDP growth. Thus, all the determinants that were detected as crucial in earlier researches, are not crucial in this research. This is why is important to be careful at making decision, which can improve the credit rating of the country


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    Kreditni rejting neke zemlje je značajan pokazatelj razvijenosti i kao takav ima značajnu ulogu za tu zemlju. Nositelji ekonomske politike nastoje ostvariti Å”to bolji kreditni rejting, a da bi to ostvarili potrebno je utvrditi koje su determinante koje značajno djeluju na kreditni rejting. Determinante koje značajno utječu na kreditni rejting nisu iste za svaku zemlju. U ovom radu najprije se teorijski, a zatim i empirijski utvrđuje značaj pojedinih determinati za kreditni rejting razvijenih i zemalja u razvoju. Cilj teorijskog dijela rada je utvrđivanje značaja kreditnih agencija za financijsko tržiÅ”te te analiziranje ranijih istraživanja u cilju boljeg interpretiranja rezultata dobivenih empirijskim istraživanjem. Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja je dokazivanje jesu li determinante, navedene u dvjema hipotezama, ključne za određenu skupinu zemalja. Determinate koje su navedene kao ključne, u empirijskom dijelu rada su se pokazale statistički značajnima za modele u kojima se pojavljuju. Kao najznačajnije determinante za kreditni rejting razvijenih zemalja se javljaju: BDP per capita, saldo tekućeg računa, javni dug te nezaposlenost. Kod zemalja u razvoju to su: BDP per capita, proračunski deficit, inflacija te rast realnog BDP-a. Dakle, nisu se kao ključne pokazale sve determinante koje su na temelju ranijih istraživanja detektirane kao takve. Zbog toga treba biti oprezan prilikom donoÅ”enja odluka, kojima se nastoji poboljÅ”ati kreditni rejting zemlje.Credit rating of some country is a significant indicator of development and has a significant role for each country. Economic policy leaders seek to achieve a better credit rating, and in order to achieve this, it is necessary to determine which determinants are significant for credit rating. Determinants that have a significant impact on credit rating are not the same for each country. In this work, theoretically, and then empirically, is determined the importance of certain determinants for credit rating of developed and developing countries. The aim of the theoretical part is to determine the importance of credit agencies for the financial market and to analyze earlier research in order to better interpret the results obtained by empirical research. The main purpose of this research is to prove are determinants listed in two hypotheses crucial for a particular group of countries. The determinants that are crucial, in the empirical part of the work, have been statistically significant for the models they appear in. The most important determinants for the credit rating of developed countries are: GDP per capita, current account balance, public debt and unemployment. In developing countries, they are: GDP per capita, budget deficit, inflation and real GDP growth. Thus, all the determinants that were detected as crucial in earlier researches, are not crucial in this research. This is why is important to be careful at making decision, which can improve the credit rating of the country

    Analiza i primjena projektnog softwarea Wrike : ZavrŔni rad

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    Ovaj rad pokriva temu primjene informacijski sustava u projektnom menadžmentu. U prvom dijelu rada naglasak je stavljen na pojaÅ”njenje informacijskih sustava, upravljanje projektima te kriterije kod odabira alata za upravljanje. U drugom dijelu rada prikaz je analize i mogućnosti projektnog softwarea Wrike. Njegova analiza provedena je na temelju dva projekta koja su implementirana u software. Projekti self service stanice za bicikle te izgradnja adventure mini golf igraliÅ”ta obrađeni su u programu te na temelju dobivenih rezultata prikazana je analiza i mogućnosti koje software nudi.This thesis covers appliance of the information systems in project management. First part of the thesis is based on the clarification of information systems, project management and criteria for selection of the software. Second part of the thesis show's analysis and possibilities of project software Wrike. Analysis were based on two projects that were implemented in software. Self service bicycle station and building of adventure mini golf course projects were processed in the program. On the basis of the results, analysis an possibilities of softwere are shown and described

    Analiza i primjena projektnog softwarea Wrike : ZavrŔni rad

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    Ovaj rad pokriva temu primjene informacijski sustava u projektnom menadžmentu. U prvom dijelu rada naglasak je stavljen na pojaÅ”njenje informacijskih sustava, upravljanje projektima te kriterije kod odabira alata za upravljanje. U drugom dijelu rada prikaz je analize i mogućnosti projektnog softwarea Wrike. Njegova analiza provedena je na temelju dva projekta koja su implementirana u software. Projekti self service stanice za bicikle te izgradnja adventure mini golf igraliÅ”ta obrađeni su u programu te na temelju dobivenih rezultata prikazana je analiza i mogućnosti koje software nudi.This thesis covers appliance of the information systems in project management. First part of the thesis is based on the clarification of information systems, project management and criteria for selection of the software. Second part of the thesis show's analysis and possibilities of project software Wrike. Analysis were based on two projects that were implemented in software. Self service bicycle station and building of adventure mini golf course projects were processed in the program. On the basis of the results, analysis an possibilities of softwere are shown and described


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    Organizational processes modelling and scenario simulation is proved to be an efficient tool for the quantitative strengthening of the decision making process. In business of production, transportation and paving of great quantities of asphalt mixture, solving problem of projectā€™s fragmented sub-processes has been emphasized by previous researchers as a high priority. Detached process modeling and optimization without taking into account constraints of interrelations among sub-processes cannot offer the optimal or quality solution. Thus, it is necessary to structure a developing and easily adjustable model which will be able to integrate all sub-processes with their interrelations. In this paper authors gave a review of the findings and recommendations of the previous researches. Based on the recommendations, authors structured a developing simulation model for planning and optimization ā€œjust in timeā€ chain of processes of production, transportation and paving of great quantities of asphalt mixture. Suggested model is based on the algorithm for scenario simulations which is dynamic and adjustable for changes and updates of the input parameters


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    In this paper authors suggest and test evolutionary algorithm of multiple criteria solver (MCS) for asphalt supply chain optimization. On the basis of the defined imperfection of the basic mathematical model authors made an algorithm and conducted simulations of transportation problems cases generated from the given realistic input intervals in order to determine the constraints and possibilities for improvement of the original model of the transportation problem of large amounts of asphalt mixture. Results have shown that the suggested model verifies and eliminates the lack of the original model. As well, it is shown in which scenarios of transportation problem and to which extent the suggested methodology contributes to the total transportation costs savings and insurance of the programā€™s optimality.U radu je predložen i testiran evolucijski algoritam za optimizaciju lanca procesa transporta asfaltne mjeÅ”avine na gradiliÅ”ta. Izrađen je algoritam (rjeÅ”avatelj MCS) na temelju definiranog nedostatka postojećeg matematičkog modela te provedena simulacija slučajeva transportnog problema kako bi se utvrdila ograničenja i mogućnosti za poboljÅ”anje originalnog modela za rjeÅ”avanje transportnog problema velikih količina asfaltne mjeÅ”avine. Rezultati su pokazali da predložen model pridruživanja i isključivanja potencijalnih izvora potvrđuje i otklanja nedostatak originalnog modela. Pokazano je i u kojim slučajevima transportnog problema i u kojoj mjeri predložena metodologija doprinosi uÅ”tedi i osiguranju optimalnosti ponuđenog programa

    Scenario simulation model for optimized allocation of construction machinery

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    Metode optimizacije imaju veliku važnost pri sužavanju izbora resursa na konačni i pri alokaciji resursa u svim fazama projekata. To se naročito odnosi na složena projektna okruženja gdje je potrebno provesti alokaciju resursa (strojeva) na viÅ”e građevinskih projekata u njihovim raznim fazama i prioritetima. U radu se predlaže model koji se zasniva na algoritmu viÅ”ekriterijske optimizacije i rangiranja scenarija suboptimalnih programa serijskog viÅ”ekanalnog rada građevinskih strojeva pri konačnom broju strojeva za izbor, te izlučivanje presjeka optimalnih programa i/ili scenarija programa u složenom okruženju.Optimization methods for narrowing down the choice of resources, and for their allocation, are highly important in all phases of construction projects. This particularly concerns complex project environments where resources (construction machines) have to be allocated to several construction projects at different phases and with different priorities. The authors propose a model based on the multi-criteria optimisation algorithm and the ranking of scenarios involving sub-optimal programs for serial multi-channel operation of construction machines, with a fixed number of machines for final selection, and with separation of the optimum program and/or program scenario cross-sections in complex environment


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    Structuring a project team is highly sensitive task, so numerous methods which address the problem have emerged. One of the most effective methods is structuring teams by the team membersā€™ affinities and talents presented as team roles. In this paper, we applied Belbinā€™s Self-Perception Inventory in order to investigate the following questions: Which are the most engaged team roles? How does the absence of the most engaged team members affect the teamā€™s efficiency? How does this change of the team environment affect the member? Our results show that, even in small project teams, changes in team structure will surely have a negative effect on the teamā€™s organizational culture in a short run, and even more importantly they decrease the teamā€™s overall productivity. Also, the changes had a negative effect at the individual level; teams had trouble integrating new members, and individuals had trouble integrating themselves in new teams.Važnost strukturiranja projektnih timova u građevinarstvu danas se često zanemaruje zbog razvoja i afirmacije novih koncepata i metoda informatičke tehnologije koji se primjenjuju u projektnom menadžmentu. Strukturiranje projektnog tima izuzetno je zahtjevan zadatak i kao takav treba precizan i dobro organiziran sustav i upravljanje. Postoji nekoliko metoda koje se bave tim problemom. Strukturiranje tima prema afinitetima i talentima njegovih članova, koje se naziva timskim ulogama, dobro je poznata i provjereno učinkovita metoda. Autori su u istraživanju predstavljenom ovim radom primijenili Belbin metodu timskih uloga kako bi istražili koje su najangažiranije timske uloge, kako izostanak najangažiranijih članova utječe na učinkovitost tima te kako ta promjena timske okoline utječe na članove. Rezultati su pokazali da, čak i u malim timovima, promjene timske strukture sigurno imaju negativan utjecaj na organizacijsku kulturu tima već u kratkom roku, ali Å”to je joÅ” važnije, dugoročno smanjuju cjelokupnu učinkovitost tima. Promjene su imale negativan učinak i na nivou pojedinca, reflektirajući se u činjenici da su se novi članovi teÅ”ko integrirali u svoje nove timove, odnosno drugi članovi su teÅ”ko prihvaćali novog


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    ā€œEinsteinā€™s riddleā€ is a popular example of constraints satisfaction problem. Since its introduction, different forms and variations of the riddle have been presented. Regardless of the variant of the riddle, its solution is considered a tough challenge for humans. Researchers have developed and are still developing mathematical models, as well as computational simulation models for solving it. In this article, the authors have modified a previously published mathematical model and developed a computational spreadsheet model for solving the riddle, which provides a unique solution for the riddle. The model was also tested in a small and medium-scaled form for solving constraint satisfaction problems regarding the allocation of construction machines. The authors have also highlighted the modelā€™s limitations for solving such problems and made suggestions regarding necessary modifications in the model to solve more complex problems in the same domain.ā€žEinsteinova zagonetkaā€œ je prepoznatljiv primjer kombinatornog problema ispunjenja ograničenja. Ova zagonetka je imala viÅ”e verzija, no bez obzira na formulaciju, uglavnom se smatra vrlo teÅ”kim zadatkom. Znanstvenici su razvijali i dalje razvijaju matematičke modele, a potom i računalne simulacijske modele za rjeÅ”avanje spomenutog problema. Autori su u ovome radu modificirali ranije predstavljeni matematički model, a potom prema njemu izradili računalni model, koristeći se proračunskim tablicama kako bi rijeÅ”ili zagonetku. Model je ponudio jedinstveno rjeÅ”enje u vrlo kratkom vremenu, a potom je ispitan pri rjeÅ”avanju sličnog problema u građevinskoj praksi. Istaknuta su ograničenja u primjeni modela u obliku kojim je rijeÅ”ena ā€žEinstenova zagonetkaā€œ te koje su modifikacije nužne za aplikaciju pri rjeÅ”avanju kompleksnijih problema u istoj domeni

    Formacija intramuralnog tromba u desnom atriju bolesnice sa hiperviskoznim sindromom

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    Masses in the right atrium (RA) are quite rare, but they pose a diagnostic challenge due to a heterogenous differential diagnosis which includes thrombotic masses, tumor metastases, primary heart tumors such as atrial myxoma, papillary fybroelastoma or rhabdomyosarcoma. Central venous catheter and electrostimulator electrodes particularly raise the risk of thrombus formation.Tvorbe u desnom atriju (DA) su rijetke, no predstavljaju dijagnostički izazov zbog heterogene diferencijalne dijagnoze koja uključuje trombotske mase, metastaze tumora, primarne tumore srca kao Å”to su miksom atrija, papilarni fibroelastom ili rabdomiosarkom. Centralni venski kateter (CVK) i elektrode elektrostimulatora srca naročito povećavaju rizik nastanka tromba
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